
We strive to protect the environment in all of our processes and we are continually developing ways to improve our sustainability while reducing our carbon footprint. It is our priority to encourage our customers and suppliers to do the same.

We therefore prioritise:

  • recovering, reusing and recycling materials
  • making the best use of our planet’s resources
  • reducing waste and CO2 emissions


Installed in 2015 at RMGroup HQ, our 45Kw CHP (combined heat & power) biomass unit delivers sustainable and fuel-neutral energy and heat to the factory – the CHP unit provides 75% of the factory’s energy.


In 2022 RMGroup will instal solar energy to provide a carbon-neutral site, with added exported power benefits.


In our manufacturing operations we strive to be at the forefront of industry best practice with regard to environmental issues, using sustainable raw materials, minimising carbon footprint, waste reclamation and land fill, and maximising efficiency in our use of energy.

  • We have invested heavily in new, more energy-efficient equipment.
  • We constantly strive to improve production efficiency.


Use of Resources

The efficient use of resources and the minimisation of waste are priorities at RMGroup. Our goal is to remove all avoidable waste from our production system and limit what is sent to landfill.

RMGroup wins the Sustainability category at this year's ABB Robotics Value Provider Awards

RMGroup wins the Sustainability category at this year’s ABB Robotics Value Provider Awards. The award, which was presented by Lena Westerholm, ABB Robotics’ Global Sustainability/HSE Manager, at a ceremony broadcasted from ABB headquarters in Zürich.

Environmental Policy

RMGroup is committed to managing environmental impact as an integral part of our operations. In particular, it is our policy to assure the environmental integrity of our processes and facilities at all times. Please read our full environmental policy here.

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